Anthony Tony Street Mugshots

Anthony Street 4 Auditor?

Anthony Wayne (Tony) Street, who is running in the Republican primary for state auditor, according to records at the Brunswick County Clerk of Courts Office has been charged with misdemeanor stalking in 2017 and 2018, and with simple assault in 2012.

In 2017, the stalking charges were dismissed. However, for the misdemeanor stalking charges filed in 2018, Street received deferred prosecution. Those charges were based on activities from March 30, 2018 to April 26, 2018, according to court documents

Under deferred prosecution, the defendant agrees to meet certain conditions and is on probation until the term is over. If the defendant complies with the conditions the charges can be dismissed

According to court documents, the terms included six months unsupervised probation beginning on Jan. 4, 2019, and having no contact with the woman who filed the complaint. That charge has since been dismissed